Description of Project:

In this project I worked with a team of 2 other programmers and 2 graphic designers. My team members and I had to complete a 3D game. Dividing the tasks can be the most challenging part of working in a team. Especially in programming because the code can overlap and then merging the changes can be a headache. Since there were 3 of us, we decided to work on a large scaled game where we wouldn’t overlap our code. Together we decided to work on a board game that would include different mini games just like in Mario Party game. I was assigned to work on the design and functionality of the game board. The two other programmers were assigned an individual mini game. I finished the design and functionality of the game sooner than expected therefore we decided i could work on an individual mini game myself. I created a simple game where you had to collect points from the random balls that appeared. The payer with most points would win the mini game. To create this project we used unity and c#.

Screenshots of Board Game

Categories: Portfolio